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SpringMVC+shiro+hibernate rights management integr
What is authority? Permission is a means of managing web application users. For example, in an e-commerce platform, a user has the role of user, and he can trade in the mall. What the merchant has is the role of user and manager. Therefore, he can manage his own goods while buying and selling. Shiro is a permission management framework based on RBAC permission design model. What is Shiro? Apache Shiro is a powerful and easy-to-use Java security framework, which provides authentication, authorization, encryption, session management and other functions: & nbsp; authentication user identification, often referred to as user "login"; authorization access control; password encryption to protect or hide data from peeping; session management time sensitive state related to each user. The following is an example of using spring MVC + Shiro + Hibernate framework to manage users https://git.oschina.net/jeremie_ astray/SpringMVC_ Shiro / tree / Master / annotation version: https://git.oschina.net/jeremie_ astray/SpringMVC_ Shiro/tree/shiro_ Annotation 1. Entity correspondence: one to many relationship between user and role, many to many relationship between role and permission, one to one relationship between permission filtering and role and permission_ User (, user table, password is MD5 encrypted, you can modify it yourself) t_ Role (role table) t_ Permission (permission table)
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