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Aes encryption
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this is a encryption algorithm in C++ of AES . AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standard. It is basically encryption decryption algorithm for data.Encryption converts raw input data into encrypted data. Decryption does the reverse.AES supports keys of length 128, 192 and 256 bits. This cryptographic key is used to encrypt and decrypt datawhich is in blocks of 128 bits in length. The 128 bit AES algorithm is in use everywhere to protect the electronic transactions.The AES core designed by companies contain both Encryption and Decryption modules which can run on single core.Typically AES IP Core supports two modes viz. OFB and CTR (i.e. counter) mode. CTR MODE stands for Counter mode. In this type of mode following steps are implemented in encryption process.1. Input to the encryption core is output of counter. Initialization vector is needed for counter.2. XOR of input data and output of encryption module is performed. This XOR ed data is the cyphertext data w
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