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Base station code
This is a better base station positioning algorithm, mainly using the triangle centroid algorithm to do, more accurate! Using the triangle centroid algorithm, get the current location information of the mobile phone. The basic idea of triangle centroid location algorithm is to calculate the coordinates of three feature points in the overlapping area of three circles, and take these three points as the vertices of the triangle, and the unknown point is the triangle centroid. The characteristic points are e, F, G, and the calculation method of the characteristic point E is [3]: & nbsp; similarly, F, G can be calculated, and the coordinates of the unknown point are. However, the quadratic & nbsp; equation has a large amount of calculation in the process of solving. If the equation in equation (3) is subtracted, the straight line equations of each intersection line can be obtained respectively. The coordinates of characteristic point E can be solved by these straight line equations as follows: 1: 2 (XB XA) Xe + 2 (Yb ya) ye = ra * ra-rb * rb-xa * XA + XB * xb-ya * Ya + Yb * Yb & nbsp; 2: 2 (XB XC) Xe + 2
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