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Installation Guide How to install Weathermap depends on how you intend to use it:     As a standalone command-line tool, with the web-based editor Security Weathermap has several features that can potentially give users more access than you intended to. This section describes the risks, and possible ways to mitigate them. First of all, there are quite a few folders in the weathermap distribution that don't need to be web-accessible. If you aren't' using the Cacti plugin, then practically all of it can be blocked or moved elsewhere. If you are using Weathermap with Cacti, then you can still deny ALL access from web users for the configs, output, lib and random-bits directories. The distribution comes with .htaccess files that will do this for you if you have Apache, and you have enabled "AllowOverride All" for the Weathermap directory (it may be on by default - you can test by t
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