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Chained linear list storage structure
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Topic chain storage structure, experiment two linear table: design and implement the following algorithm: polynomial single linked list storage structure is given, using post connection polynomial generation of single chain structure, the realization of the two polynomial addition operations, and local inverse polynomial chain set after addition. 1 users can be two to one yuan polynomial inputs respectively according to their own needs, show a polynomial and can realize the input of the. 2 to complete the two one yuan polynomial sum function, but also show the inverse polynomial set after addition. The 3 program execution commands include: (1) construct lists A (2) B (3) construct lists two list of additive (4) find the length of the list (5) print (display) the existing list (6) will have been added to a reverse order list
Chained linear list storage structure
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Topic chain storage structure, experiment two linear table: design and implement the following algorithm: polynomial single linked list storage structure is given, using post connection polynomial generation of single chain structure, the realization of the two polynomial addition operations, and local inverse polynomial chain set after addition. 1 users can be two to one yuan polynomial inputs respectively according to their own needs, show a polynomial and can realize the input of the. 2 to complete the two one yuan polynomial sum function, but also show the inverse polynomial set after addition. The 3 program execution commands include: (1) construct lists A (2) B (3) construct lists two list of additive (4) find the length of the list (5) print (display) the existing list (6) will have been added to a reverse order list
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