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Base64 is based on 64 printable characters to represent binary data representation. Because 2 of the 6 power equals 64, each 6-bit as a unit, corresponds to a printable character. Three bytes are 24 bits, corresponding to 4 Base64 module, or 3 bytes you need 4 printable characters. It can be used as the e-mail transfer encoding. Printable character in the Base64 includes letters a-z, a-z, numbers 0-9, thus a total of 62 characters, in addition to two printable symbols in different systems and different (this library which used the '+','/' and the two characters). Other things such as uuencode encoding method, and then BinHex versions use 64 character set to represent 6 binary digits, but they are not called Base64. Base64 is often used to process text data are usually occasions, representation, transmission, storage of binary data. Including email,email via MIME MIME, and storing complex data in XML. [From Wikipedia] Base64 is a simple way to exchange encrypted, BASE64 is often no
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